Cravings that feel like they've highjacked your mind until they're sated. Bloating and stubborn weight that make it a struggle to get into your once-favourite pair of jeans. Cramps that drain your energy like there's a vampire attached to your abdomen. And then... you get HANGRY.

I've been there. Oh, how I've been there. That gnawing, anxious, teetering on the edge feeling... a wrong word, a strange look... and suddenly you're raging. You might not even be aware you're in the danger zone until it's too late, and then you're snapping at your partner for breathing too hard in your direction, or sobbing incoherently because you forgot you already ate the last macaroon yesterday.

Then someone hands you a snack (maybe a fresh macaroon) and the beast recedes... for now.

It's not your fault. It's your blood sugar and hormones in chaos, bringing out the beast mode. The phenomenon of getting hangry is pretty common amongst people with PCOS, prediabetes, and other metabolic disorders that may be affecting how your body processes sugar and the hormones that regulate it.

My favourite solution?


But these aren’t your regular fruit and yogourt smoothies.

Get started with my new FREE

LPFL 21-day Sweet Enough Smoothie Challenge for Hangry People

when you hit "Get My Smoothies" below!

This new Smoothie Challenge is for you if:

- Your skin is dry and dull

- Your energy slumps shortly after breakfast (if you even have breakfast!)

- Cravings are making you crazy

- Your hormones are out of sync, leaving you a hangry weepy lump at any given point in the month, regardless of when your period is due

- You feel like you don't have enough time in the morning to make something nutritious for yourself

I’ve designed this new Challenge to address all this and more in one delicious smoothie a day.

Tame cramps. Slay cravings. Feel awesome.


- delicious smoothie and smoothie bowl recipes (plus a few other ways of enjoying smoothies!)

- time-saving smoothie prep tips

- bonus cheat sheets like Tips for Meal Planning, The Killer 60-Second Smoothie Prep Guide, and A Short & Sweet Guide to Seed Cycling

- done-for-you ingredient grocery lists, and

- access to a private Facebook group for support – plus a few surprises along the way.

In addition to Challenge emails, you'll also receive my twice-weekly LPFLnews emails, including free educational content, access to my private Challenges Facebook group, upcoming events, and exclusive promotional updates, as well as a new 3-day plant-based menu with recipes and grocery lists (approx. $50 value) FREE once a month.

If you decide you don't want to receive anything else from me after you finish your Challenge, you can unsubscribe anytime by following the prompt at the bottom of each message.

Join us!

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