
Right Now! Start With Today:

"The first day of the Moment of Choice" 

  Yesterday has been. Definitely gone. During the years people give time to their communities a commonsense approach is often behind decisions. A "Been there, done that. Saw the results."

  Results where the intricacies of unseen common multilayered denominators came together. Merging into the strength behind the levels of community organisations at the ground floor level.

  Between then, and right now, a moment of choice has arrived.

Read on with the Susan Lewis Is Online 'Vision'.

 To guide those who may feel lost online so that they may facilitate their 'IT'. 

The Susan Lewis Is Online  Mission includes: 

  • To enhance the skills, gifts, talents found within them. 
  • Use, understand and underpin action choices.
  • Utilize the vision of the life they now see to develop their community.
  • Include their community members
  • Integrated,  recommended tools and services.

When members, and outside people, got together to people develop communities. 'real life' communication was found  to be a huge gap to overcome.

Work Together. Be Bold. Create Your Solution.

Trails,with 'fix-ups constantly happening in communication systems. They drive people crazy as these were constantily being overhauled.

Usually at members own expense. Lack of a self suffient communication system was found by Susan Lewis to have a huge impact on activities, meet-ups,distance and time travelled to meetings.That was just catering for the adults.

Running around after her own children, in between activities [ usually at other ends of the town is still fresh on Susan's mind.

Hello to the internet.

Internet of Things and sooner than we think possible the Augmented Realities.The sticking point is will people know the basics of the communications between people to people situations

In todays virtual world the amount of people, all age and social ranges, now very familiar with the tools on the internet is amazing.

  • Direct one-on-one communication with adults regards to youth members activities, celebrations, fundraising activities, and external activities and meetings were found to excel.
  • People knew stuff like, where, when, what, how and who. The use of the autoreposnder helped.
  • Members knew emergency evacations procedures at the push of a button. Minutes, agendas. What was exected. Along with who was bringing the food items. Morning,afternoon eats and supper requirements. Things that everyone expects but noone remembered whose turn ot was to stock the pantry.
  • Often overlooked Media outlets would now receive the same details as each other. After minute agreed minutes.Update and scheduling times.

Take on the Social Platforms

Now a simple ping to the phone, or open the message reminder at the designated contact email would have solved so many challenges.

Oh for the advance of the internet at that time.

Right now the members of your community need to be on so many different platforms just to keep updated between different community meetings and their own family catch up timers verses meeting obligations.

Todays thought is community organisations need a united front. They need professionalism.  Members need to have immediate access  input times. That's an every day expectation.

So here's to you reaching out to take the first steps, and share the results within your community,and its future development.  Enjoy the regular updated resources applied for here....

All this is do-able!
  • Achievable through the grasp of technology.
  • Aligned tools and systems.
  • Education and training.
  • Everyone on your team knowing they too have the ability to bring back through the community what they have been doing.
  • Access one platform. One set of tools - all intergreated.
  • Messages [daily or as specified]
  • Opted in targeted people, groups and/or activities.
  • Community connections.

This list keeps on empowering your community development team members.


#ReachOutToSusanLewis, #ReachOutCampaign,