Sign up for Elie Losleben's FREE Workshop:

Trauma Skills for Better Relationships


1:00-2:00 PM (PACIFIC TIME)

This FREE workshop will teach you the somatic skills to:
  • Increase your sense of ease over the holidays...
  • Navigate relationship challenges with confidence...
  • Have more fun over the holidays together...
If you have unresolved trauma, the holidays can be extra hard. I created this workshop so you can feel confident and excited about the weeks ahead. And bring your partner closer (instead of pretending everything is okay when it's not).

"I have so much appreciation for the being you are, and this work you are sharing with the world."
- Tobias

"Working with you is the best thing I could be doing for myself."
- Olivia

"You go so far beyond what I expected. I'm grateful for you!"
- Beatrice

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